Add static HTML sites to Digital Garden

To add static HTML sites (i.e. notes which are not in your Obsidian vault) to your digital garden, create a directory in the Git repository of your garden under src/site (e.g. src/site/components). Place your static HTML sites there using the suffix .html.

Afterwards, change .eleventy.js in the root directory so the templateFormats directive also includes html.

  return {
    dir: {
      input: "src/site",
      output: "dist",
      data: `_data`,
    templateFormats: ["njk", "html", "md", "11ty.js"],
    htmlTemplateEngine: "njk",
    markdownTemplateEngine: false,
    passthroughFileCopy: true,

After the next Eleventy run (either triggered by deploying a note from within Obsidian or from the hosting provider, e.g. Vercel), the static site will be available at https://your-domain/components/html-file-name.