I'm a triathlete, nerd and avid traveller living in Nuremberg, Germany. I like board games and comics and I'm part of the IndieWeb community.
Find out more about me and what I do at the moment.
What this site is
This site is my digital garden. Here I publish (sometimes unfinished) notes and ideas right from my personal knowledge management system. If you want to know more, you can find more details here.
Where to find me online
My primary outlet on the web is here. I'm not that active on social media anymore, but you can find me on Mastodonif you want to get in touch. Don't expect any activity or replies on all the other social media accounts that are still there from the past.
As this side is published in Germany, it needs a legal notice (aka 'Impressum').
This is the personal website of Björn Stierand, bjoern-website[at]innovention,de, Böcklerstr. 15, 90490 Nürnberg.
I am responsible for the form and content. The opinions expressed here are my own.
As it is natural for the web, I link to many sources that are not under my control. Therefore, I cannot be held responsible for them. Please be careful.
This website does not save your personal data, does not track you and sets no cookies. Some content is loaded from external sources. If this content contains relevant information for this site (e.g. auto-generated information for my /now page), the scripts creating the content are under my full control.